Two SubRISK+ talks presented at AIT-ENEA workshop in Bologna

SubRISK+ team was invited to present two oral talks during the 14th Thematic Workshop on Water Resource Management, organised by the Italian Society of Remote Sensing (AIT) and National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in Bologna (Italy).

One presentation focused on the potential of satellite InSAR observations to support sustainable groundwater management in the Emilia-Romagna region (Bonì et al. 2024), while the other one on estimating current and future land subsidence-induced risk for urban landscapes in Italy (Cigna et al. 2024).

The scientific programme of the workshop and the full book of abstracts can be downloaded from ENEA’s website, while the two SubRISK+ contributions are available for download from the Publications webpage.

Posted in Conferences & events.